😁 J0FR 😃

My Computer Science Projects

Photo of J0FR

Welcome to my project section, a curated collection of my creative endeavors and passion projects.


Python Syntax Checker

Yes / No Python Parser to certain syntax that was stipulated.

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Fantasy Football Simulator

Local working Fantasy Football Simulator to play with your friends.

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City Path Finder

City Path Finder with graph algorthms.

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Python Syntax CheckerIt’ll blow your mind.

This programming project involves implementing a simple yes/no parser in Python or Java. The parser will read a text file containing a robot program and verify its syntax, ensuring that function and variable names are defined and used correctly. The parser should support recursion and ignore spaces and tabulators as separators, focusing on syntax validation rather than program execution.


Fantasy Football SimulatorSee for yourself.

The Fantasy Football Simulator is a Java-based program with a Swing GUI that allows users to create and manage virtual football teams, simulate matches based on real player statistics, and enjoy the experience locally without an internet connection.


City Path FinderCheckmate.

The City Path Finder project is a Python-based programming endeavor that leverages graph algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm, Kosaraju's algorithm, and others to find optimal paths within a city. Through Python, the program will implement these algorithms to determine the shortest path between two locations in the city, taking into account factors like distance, time, or other constraints. The project's goal is to deliver efficient and precise path-finding capabilities, empowering users to navigate through the city's road network effectively.
